Fall 2023 Approved Course Lists for Certificate and Portfolio in Security Studies Now Available

Apr 07, 2023

The Undergraduate Certificate in Security Studies recognizes students who focus their studies on international and national security affairs. This transcript-recognized certificate is open to all Liberal Arts undergraduate students, regardless of major

pdfclick here for a full list of approved elective courses which will count towards the Certificate. Students must take at least 15 hours of elective courses from the list in at least two different departments to qualify for the Certificate.

The Graduate Portfolio in Security Studies is a transcript-recognized credential for students who complete an interdisciplinary focus in security studies. It provides graduate students an opportunity to develop interdisciplinary expertise in security studies from a variety of interrelated fields, including diplomacy, defense, intelligence, national security policy, homeland security, international affairs, human rights, war, peace, and conflict. The goal is for students to recognize and deepen their understanding of the interrelatedness of history and policy in the fields of national and international security

xlsxClick Here for a full list of approved courses for the Portfolio in Security Studies.